OK, I’m about to bombard you with photos. I mentioned yesterday that I nearly volunteered… Read the postGGRO banding demonstration
The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory is a program dedicated to the study of raptor migration… Read the postGolden Gate Raptor Observatory
My owl guru, Sharon, recommended some Audubon birding classes to me. I wasn’t able to… Read the postViews from Hawk Hill
This is slightly out of the chronological order I usually keep to, but the last… Read the postRed Fox
FINALLY! I FINALLY saw a coyote! I don’t know why it took so long –… Read the postCoyote in Point Reyes
You hike in the Bay Area, you get used to coming across cattle. Point Reyes… Read the postPoint Reyes cattle
Here are some various wildlife I saw on the Estero Trail in Point Reyes the… Read the postPoint Reyes wildlife
I’ve been seeing a lot of quail lately when I’m out hiking. They are the… Read the postCalifornia quail
I was pretty fascinated by these crabs that I found by the edge of one… Read the postPoint Reyes crabs