Here are a few more silly pictures taken when my underwater camera inexplicably went crazy:… Read the postKayakdoscopes
I’m a very busy person. I guess everyone is these days, but sometimes I think… Read the postKayaking Kaleidoscopes
Some more pictures from Redwood Regional Park: I just liked the texture of the bark… Read the postRedwood Regional Park
Here are some more pictures from my owlless outing to Redwood Regional Park the other… Read the postRedwood Regional Park
On a tip from my owl guru, I found myself in Redwood Regional Park the… Read the postWildlife in Redwood Regional Park
More of the brown hills making the creek glow: Beginning of the switchbacks that lead… Read the postMore Alum Rock Park
Alum Rock Park, once a popular tourist mineral springs destination, is a lovely and charming… Read the postAlum Rock Park