The burrowing owl flew quite a few times and Mark was encouraging me to get some flight shots, but I found it nearly impossible because he was fast, for one thing, but also he’d fly only a short distance, dip down to the ground, then pop back up again, and I found it impossible to track him with my camera, especially through a telephoto lens. I told Mark I had gotten absolutely no flight pictures, but when I got home I found that a single one of them had actually turned out!
Sometimes I wish I actually knew how to use, or had the patience to learn how to use, Photoshop. I’d like to get rid of that blade of grass and the shadow on his face. I tried to do it in Lightroom with my minimal skills there but that wasn’t happening. Oh well, grass happens and I still like this picture.
The in-flight picture is amazing. And, oh, those eyes! Loved the series… for now.