I was pretty disappointed in the raptor situation along Alameda Creek the other day, but… Read the postGreat blue heron
I always found it a little strange that a place as built-up as Northern Virginia… Read the postMan on horse
I didn’t see many of the promised raptors along Alameda Creek but here are a… Read the postBirds seen along Alameda Creek
I attended a lecture about raptors a few weeks ago and the speaker, who has… Read the postAlameda Creek Trail
California Clapper Rail at Hayward Shoreline; again a bird I’m only sure about the ID… Read the postCalifornia Clapper Rail
American pipet seen at Hayward Shoreline, and for once I’m confident in the ID because… Read the postAmerican Pipit
I saw some short-eared owls at both the beginning and the end of my hike… Read the postShort-eared owl
This harrier thought he was hiding so well but I saw right through him. Female… Read the postSome more northern harriers
I never really saw snails in Virginia, and especially never saw any actually moving about,… Read the postSnails