Bobcat Mania

If you read my New Year’s Day post, you’ll have had a minor glimpse into how excited I was to see a bobcat on the first day of 2016. I was told that Tennessee Valley/Marin Headlands was a promising spot for bobcats and for once I got what I was promised! And to think that I almost turned around when I first parked and got out of my car because I thought the trail looked “boring”. It may have started off boring but it was anything but! I was trooping along keeping an eye out for possible bobcats when I saw a suspicious-looking rock up a hill. I see suspicious-looking rocks and tree branches and the like all the time when I’m out hiking, so what I do is take a picture, then view it on my camera and zoom all the way in. So I snapped a picture of this rock and this is what I zoomed into:
I saw a rock that I thought could possibly be a bobcat so I took a picture and zoomed in to examine it

I WAS VERY EXCITED. I quickly swapped out my lenses for the longest telephoto I had with me and saw that my feline friend was dozing off in the sun, with no concern for me or others on the trail below him.
bobcat dozing off in sun

Then he woke up a bit and thought maybe he’d go for a little prowl:
bobcat on the prowl

bobcat on the prowl-3

After about 10 feet of prowling, he grew tired again and sat down to rest. It’s tough being a bobcat.
bobcat needs to rest after that exhausting 10-foot prowl

More tomorrow!

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