Happy Birthday Gomez and Torticia

Most people naturally think their cats are the best cats in the world, I get that. But I TRULY have the best cats in the world and this fact has been independently verified by EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER MET THEM. Seriously, everyone loves my cats because they are incredibly awesome. I hit the cat jackpot big time when I adopted these two almost 7 years ago. I don’t know what I would do without them, especially lately. Specifically since November 8th when I entered an unprecedented depression. It’s continued to be pretty rainy here over the last few weeks, and even when it’s not raining, the parks are either closed due to flooding or mudslides, or are just too muddy to deal with, so I haven’t been out much and I thus have run out of “nature and wildlife photos” for this blog. But in honor of Gomez and Torticia’s 7th birthday today, last weekend I took some pictures of them while I was stuck in the house. I’ll be featuring them for the next week or so because a) I don’t have any other new, on-topic photos, and b) THEY ARE GREAT. Torticia is sleeping on my lap as I write this (a few days in the past), I’m listening to some music, I’ve spent all weekend canning, which always makes me feel good, and as dark (metaphorically and storm-cloudy) as the days have been lately, I was literally GRINNING WITH JOY as I processed the 100 pictures I took of the cats today. I can’t tell you how much I love these two.

My boy, Gomez, in a “Gomez nest”, which is essentially a fuzzy blanket I make a nest out of for him. He has a couple throughout the house. Gomez is the most handsome and classically beautiful cat ever to grace this planet and I believe he could be a male cat model.

His sister, Torticia, is also extremely beautiful, but far more goofy than Gomez. Torticia is my constant companion and charms everyone who meets her with her gregariousness.

Gomez is generally very slick, sophisticated, and suave. But not always – sometimes he, too, gets a bit goofy and when he’s feeling especially happy, he rolls around on his back and acts silly. Sometimes he does this while on my shoulders.

Everyone that touches Mezzie and Torticia comments on their gloriously soft coats. Even their vet. They are aware of this and both of them spend a lot of time grooming.

Mezzie is very athletic and agile. We play a cleverly-named game called “Food Game”, where I toss treats for them to chase. Torticia usually makes a beeline for where she thinks the treat will land, while Gomez makes these spectacular leaps trying to catch them mid-air. More often than not, he misses and Torticia gets the prize, but I think half the fun for Mez is the workout.

Seriously, how beautiful is this cat?

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